Connex – March 8, 2023
Wednesday, 08 March 2023 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Stay connected through Connex! The second Wednesday of every other month, this networking event brings together marketers from every industry to network over hot marketing topics in small groups.
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Topic 1: How to Get on a Podcast
Speaker: Allison K. Summers
Topic 2: The Connection Between Customer Journey and Digital Engagement
We’ll discuss how to leverage digital engagement platforms to interact with customers at all stages of their customer journey.
Speaker: Bill Dunn
Topic 3: Speed Networking
In this breakout group, you will meet at least 4 people for a 5-minute conversation with each. Bring your business cards! Remember those?
Catalyst Ranch
656 W Randolph St Ste 4E
Chicago, IL 60661
AMA Chicago members: free
Guests: $20
Members of another AMA chapter: free
Full-time students: free