Develop marketing insights to effectively craft and deliver brand stories in the current world
In the current world, marketers are able to gain large amounts of data and results from various analyses, yet the challenge is to derive appropriate insights from such data, and subsequently use insights to tell compelling and impactful brand stories. This session addresses this challenge by providing participants with a clear strategy on how to turn their data into insights and use it to tell their brand’s story. Effective brand storytelling positively influences consumers’ identification with the brand, and ultimately purchasing behaviors.
Key takeaways:
- First, participants will be better able to distinguish between analysis results and insights, and how to use results to develop insights.
- Second, participants will be better able to use insights to understand their consumers’ identities and how to craft stories to increase consumers’ identification with their brands.
- Finally, participants will be better able to develop strategies that are optimal for consumers to verify their identities with their brands.
12:00-12:05 Introductions
12:05-12:45 Presentation
12:45-1:00 Q & A
Our Speaker
Dr. Lova Randrianasolo
This is an online event via Zoom. Meeting details will be emailed to attendees 2 days, 2 hours and 10 minutes before the event.
AMA Chicago members: free
Guests: $20
Members of another AMA chapter: free
Full-time students: free